How To Start A Nonprofit Organization

Free Nonprofit Startup Kit

how to start a nonprofit organization kit

Starting A Nonprofit Organization (NPO)

Starting a nonprofit can feel like a daunting task. This free kit makes it simple. You'll get a checklist to walk you through each step, as well as resources, forms, and templates for all the major documents you'll need to start your nonprofit!

What's Inside

Start a Nonprofit Checklist
This checklist lays out each step you'll need to take, one by one,  in order to be approved for nonprofit status.
Articles of Incorporation

Your Articles of Incorporation are the documents that will take your organization from an idea to a living and breathing entity.  First you need to bring your organization into being.  Later we will make that organization a nonprofit.

Nonprofit Bylaws

Your bylaws will serve as your organizational manual and will help guide you through the orderly operation of your corporation.  This kit includes sample nonprofit bylaws and a template to easily create your own.

Incorporator Minutes Template

Incorporator Minutes record the passing of the baton from the incorporator to the Board.  This template makes it easy to create your own Incorporator Minutes.

Form 1023 Checklist

The Form 1023 Checklist lays out all of the documents you'll be required to include with your application to start a nonprofit organization.

Form 1023

Once you've gathered everything required, it's time to file for nonprofit status!  We'll include the Form 1023 as well as instructions of how to improve your odds of being approved the first time.

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